Stay curious.


Based in Hamburg I create and figure out the best solution for each project. As I’ve been lucky to work with talented people, studios and agencies, I have the experience for various possibilities.
The tools I prefer to work with: me (the whole communication system), Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, After Effects. 


ALDI SÜD, ALDI NORD, Facebook, Google, Paramount+, Lufthansa, Vodafone, Die Bahn, O2, otelo, ramazotti, Computer Bild, Puma, kinder Überraschung, Rewe, Ballantines, Commerzbank, PiCK UP! TV Digital, ültje, Aktion Mensch 

Webby Awards, Best Use of Augmented Reality Honoree
ADC Festival, 3x Bronze, 1x Short List
New York Festival, 1x Silber, 4x Short List
Die Klappe, 3x Short List

Clio Awards, 2x Bronze
ADC Festival, 1x Silber, 1x Bronze, 3x Short List
New York Festival, 1x Gold, 1x Silber, 2x Short List
Spotlight Awards, 2x Silber, 1x Bronze

PlakaDiva, Gold
DDA, 1x Silber, 2x Bronze
Clio Awards, 1x Silber, 3x Short List
ADC Festival, 3x Silber, 9x Bronze, 3x Short List
The One Club, 1x Silber, 2x Bronze, 1x Short List
D&AD, 2x Bronze

ddp Junior Award
ADC Nachwuchswettbewerb

© copyright by Anna Arndt or the respective owners of the content.